Since the days of the Apostles, women have worn veils in church. The veil is meant to uniquely symbolize humility, modesty, and relationally being cherished and protected by God. It is a common teaching that the three corners of the chapel veil represent a woman being protected by the Holy Trinity. Every time a woman puts on a veil, it is as if she is putting on Veronica’s veil with the image of Christ inside covering over and protecting her. A woman veils as a result of and in order to demonstrate her internal reverence. Veiling is also done in imitation of Our Lady, the perfect model of womanhood.
This beautiful white infinity chapel veil features a solid lace pattern.
- Material – Lace and Mesh
- Size – Front is 23 Inch (W) and it is 19 Inch (L) Front to Back
- Veil Has a Floral Pattern
- Veil Does Not Have a Hair Comb
- This is Perfect for Wearing to Church