St. Andrew Daily Missal

Original price was: $82.00.Current price is: $65.99.

The St. Andrew Daily Missal is the original 1945 reprint without revisions. Throughout the missal there is Latin and English text side-by-side.

Lowest price available online guarantee.

All proceeds 100% to non-profit support of Traditional Latin prayer organizations. 

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The St Andrew Daily Missal is fully traditional Latin-English hand-missal available in print for laypeople. This is Dom Gaspar Lefebvre’s [not to be confused with Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre] edition of The Saint Andrew Daily Missal with Vespers for Sundays and Feasts and Kyriale. It is referred to by some as the most complete traditional missal in print.

The St Andrew Daily Missal is the original 1945 reprint without revisions. One of the most popular Tridentine missals. Throughout the missal there is Latin and English text side-by-side. The Ordinary of the Mass contains the rubrics, printed in red, which the priest follows while offering the Mass. Each feast has a brief narrative of the Saint for the day. The missal also includes Vespers for Sundays and other feast days.

Please note that several Mass changes after 1945, especially the major changes for Holy Week are not in this version. St Andrew missal has the most accurate/detailed information and explicit explanations for various masses, holy days, etc. St Andrew Missal has another great “plus” in that it has beautiful explanations and commentary before each and every Sunday’s liturgy, as well as for those of the special Feast Days.

  • Complete with Vespers and the Kyriale in modern notation
  • Hard-bound
  • 5 multi colored ribbon markers
  • Contains over 1900 pages
  • The Ordinary of the Mass printed with red rubrics
  • Most of the missal is in Latin and English
  • Beautiful narrative of each feast day as well as spiritual and doctrinal notes
  • Imprimatur 1945 – Reprint of the 1945 edition
  • Gold colored pages

Additional information

Weight 25 oz
Dimensions 7 × 4 × 2 in

Gold Pages, Red Pages

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