Mysteries for Rosary Meditation

Meditationes Rosarii | Meditations of the Rosary

The following are the three sets of Mysteries revealed by our Lady to St Dominic, totaling 150 Ave’s corresponding exactly by intention to the 150 Psalms. Each set contains its own meditations, holy images, collect, links to the Scriptures, as well as the Latin names for the Mysteries to be announced along with English translations. Below each title is a link to the full meditations of the mystery. These can be used during or immediately before the Rosary in order to direct and greatly deepen one’s meditation

Joyful   |   Sorrowful   |   Glorious

Click the mystery to be directed to the page for the full meditations

(Traditionally prayed on Mondays, Thursdays, & Sundays in Advent and Christmastide)

(Traditionally prayed on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays in Lent)

(Traditionally prayed on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays)

Day of Praying Traditional Rosary Meditations
Monday Joyful Mysteries
Tuesday Sorrowful Mysteries
Wednesday Glorious Mysteries
Thursday Joyful Mysteries
Friday Sorrowful Mysteries
Saturday Glorious Mysteries
Sunday Glorious Mysteries, except:
-Christmas Season: Joyful
-Lent: Sorrowful